
Add a Back To Top Button


A simple effect to allow people to quickly get back to the top of your site/page.


See the effect in action

Screenshot 2021-07-06 at 12.00.18.png

How to use the Effect

This is one of the more simple effect. Simply type anything in a text block (or add a Font Awesome Icon!),select everything, click the 'add link' button in the text editor section and set the link as a '#'. Below is one premade that you can edit and change as you please.



<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#"><span class="fa fa-fw  fa-arrow-circle-up" style="font-size: 40px;color: #FEC223;"></span></a></p>

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="#"><span style="color:#000000;">Back To Top</span></a></p>

(To change the icon, edit the Blue section)
(To change the size of the icon, edit the
Red section)
(To change the colour of the icon, edit the
Green section)