
Add a Gradient Button


Like the Custom Button, this code allows a much greater design element to buttons. This version allows you to have buttons which have a gradient slider effect on hover.


See the effect in action

Screenshot 2021-07-06 at 13.27.58.png

How to use the Effect

To start with, create a text block.

  1. On the text block editor, click 'Source' and paste in the HTML code.
  2. Click 'Save' and move off of the text block.
  3. Select the text block, and select 'Actions' in the Blocklab header. Then select ' Custom CSS'.
  4. Paste in the CSS code and click 'Save'.


<p><a class="btn btn-grad" href="/pages/about"><span class=text>SW1</span></a></p>

(To change the buttons link, edit the
Green section)
(To change the text shown on the button, edit the Red section)


row .btn-grad {
    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #FEC223 0%, #be9118 51%, #FEC223 100%);
    width: 100%;

(To change the main colour of the button, edit the
Green section)
(To change the sliding gradient colour, edit the Red section)