
Upload a Custom Font


This Tutorial will show you how to find the Mega Menu ID to be used in many of the custom effects and CSS offered on this website.


How to upload a font

Firstly, navigate to your 'Downloads' area in the 'Content' section of Blocklab.

Upload and name your font file here.

Screenshot 2021-07-08 at 16.08.47.png

Once this is uploaded, click the 'Copy URL' button for your uploaded font (see above picture).

Next, navigate to your Edit CSS area of Blocklab and paste in the below code.


@font-face {font-family: 'FuturaBT'; src: url(}

(Change the Blue part of code to name the font)
(Paste the URL from the below step and replace the code in

Once done, hit 'Save' in the CSS section and then Publish on Blocklab. The Font will now be ready to use in other areas of code with the name given in the Blue code.