
Add a Custom Button


If you have a site that you would like to create a button not following the basic site-wide branded one, you can instead use the code below to do custom buttons. These are useful for if you would like different coloured areas etc.


How to use the Effect

  1. Create a text block, click 'source' and paste in the below code.
  2. Edit the values (the ones in colour) to suit your project.
  3. Hit 'Save'.

<a class="btn btn-default" href="link" style="background-color: #fff; border-color: transparent;"><span class=text>Learn More</span></a></p>

Change the link the button leads to with the code in Red.
Change the background colour with the code in Blue. This can either be the name of a colour, a hex value or 'transparent'.
Change the border colour with the code in
Green. This can either be the name of a colour, a hex value or 'transparent'.
Change the text that the button displays with the code in