
Mega Menu - Edit Font


This code allows you to use a custom font on your Mega Menu and the Dropdown Menu.


How to use the Effect

Simply copy the below code and paste it into your 'Edit CSS' section of Blocklab. Click 'Save' and publish on the front end for the effect to take place



#shop #mega-menu-v2_1574677122036 .yamm .yamm-fw a:not(.btn) {font-family: 'NeuzeitGro-Reg' !important}

(Replace the Blue code with your own Mega Menu ID - Find it using this tutorial) FIND MEGA MENU ID

(Replace the Red code with a custom font. Upload one using this tutorial) UPLOAD A CUSTOM FONT


For Dropdown Menus:



#shop #mega-menu-v2_1574677122036 .yamm .dropdown a:not(.btn) {font-family: 'NeuzeitGro-Reg' !important}

(Replace the Blue code with your own Mega Menu ID - Find it using this tutorial) FIND MEGA MENU ID

(Replace the Red code with a custom font. Upload one using this tutorial) UPLOAD A CUSTOM FONT